Thursday, September 9, 2010

Islamic Law and the Common Law

Cleveland State Law Review; Wntr 1985; Vol. 34, Issue 1

(Conference on Comparative Links Between Islamic Law and the Common Law, Cleveland-Marshall College of Law, March 1-2, 1985)

1 -
The guilds of law in medieval legal history: an inquiry into the origins of the Inns of Court.
(reprinted with revisions from I Zeitschrift fur Geschichte der Arabisch-Islamischen Wissenschaftern 233, 1984)

-- George Makdisi.

2 -
English common law and Islamic law in the Middle East and South Asia: religious influences and secularization.
-- Herbert Liebesny.

3 -
Shuf'ah: origins and modern doctrine.
-- Farhat J. Ziadeh.

4 -
Islamic law and the crime of theft: an introduction.
-- David F. Forte.

5 -
The problem of offer and acceptance: a study of implied-in-fact contracts in Islamic law and the common law.
-- Aron Zysow.

6 -
The logic of legal reasoning in religious and non-religious cultures: the case of Islamic law and the common law.
-- Wael B. Hallaq.

7 -
Formal rationality in Islamic law and the common law.
-- John Makdisi.

8 -
Cross-cultural interaction between Islamic law and other legal systems; Islamic family law and Anglo-American public policy.
-- David Pearl.